Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates and Information

COVID-19 Updates and Information

As we all work together to weather the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, we will be posting any new COVID-19 information for our employees, clients, and applicants. You can also count on us to stay on top of changes and expert advice you can use to stay safe and protect your community, so check back regularly for updates!

GreatWork is following these Sector-Specific Operating Requirements for reopening Ohio. Apply with us if you need temporary or permanent placement, and please reach out to any of our branches for help filling employment needs for your business as they arise. You can rely on us to help you find the right employees for changing shifts and temporary fill-in needs, and the right jobs to accommodate changes in family commitments.

Current COVID-19 Announcements for GreatWork Employees Updated 4/29/2020

  • If you experience symptoms at work, you should notify your supervisor and leave immediately
  • If you have symptoms, you should follow all CDC guidelines and stay home until you are free of fever, signs of fever, or symptoms without using medications for at least 24-hours
  • Until you are symptom-free for a 24-hour period without medication, you should not stop into a GreatWork office or return to work – checks will be mailed and inquiries for work can be made by phone
  • Once you are symptom-free for the 24-hour period without medication, call to resume work or be reassigned
  • You are not required to provide a physician notice for illness or return to work
  • We will accept time off requests due to COVID-19 with no punitive consequences
  • We will review sick leave policies and make changes as needed to comply with any new regulations
  • If you would like to apply for work, please use the online application and employee portal to minimize exposure
  • Interviews will be conducted by phone or via facetime, so it is important to provide updated phone and email information

You can lessen the added stress of feeling anxious about the virus by staying informed. Most importantly, staying informed and following guidelines can help prevent rapid spread that can cause our health facilities to become overwhelmed.

Important COVID-19 Resources

For Everyone

State of Ohio COVID-19 Updates, Checklists and Advice
CDC COVID-19 Updates and Resources
World Health Organization COVID-19 Q & A
County Health Board COVID-19 Info Summit   Stark   Cuyahoga
State of Ohio Economic Support

For Businesses

OSHA COVID-19 Standards and Information
CDC COVID-19 Employer Guidelines
SBA Special COVID-19 Loan Information
State of Ohio Economic Updates


  • Know the facts and myths about COVID-19
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water or hand sanitizer for 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Follow all local stay at home orders or guidelines
  • Wear masks as recommended to protect others
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Know the symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath
  • To help avoid anxiety and misinformation, stick with credible sources of information (above)
  • Avoid unnecessary crowds and travel
  • Try stress-reducing techniques that support your immune system
  • Seek medical advice if you develop symptoms AND have been in close contact with someone known to have the virus or live in or have recently traveled from an area with ongoing spread of the virus
  • Call ahead before going to a doctor’s office or emergency facility
  • Keep frequently touched surfaces at home and work sanitized
  • Keep your immune system as healthy as possible with proper nutrition and sleep, exercise, and healthy habits
  • If there is an outbreak in your community, stay home as much as possible


  • Stay up-to-date and in compliance with CDC Employer Guidelines, OSHA Guidelines, and any state and local updates (above)
  • Follow state guidelines for conducting business and supporting employees
  • Immediately separate employees who show symptoms
  • Emphasize and provide support for prevention recommendations
  • Provide sanitizer, tissues, disposable wipes, and no-touch disposal receptacles
  • Perform routine cleaning of all frequently touched surfaces
  • Advise employees of CDC recommended travel guidance

GreatWork offices have the resources necessary to help Northeast Ohio employers fill temporary needs as they arise due to COVID-19!

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